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We Shall Keep YaHVaH's 
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  MP3 Audio:  Pentecost, produce and preparation.                    50 minutes
 See More at Bottom  Pentecost Sunday or Monday-Technical - 58 minutes

Praise YaHVaH and His Anointed One. In Leviticus 23 He tells us to COUNT FIFTY (not Fiftieth as in Year of Jubilee).  
There is distinction between counting items or potatoes. Remember “One potato two potatoes 3..4, Five potatoes, six, seven, one potato More”. But the fuel Master counts differently than the farmer. He doesn’t start out saying “One gallon” then flips on the pump and nozzle. Then at the END of one he counts towards fifty. At the END of 50 then he stops, and is paid not for 49, but 50 gallons.
Similarly, the carpenter uses his tape measure. It starts at ZERO (not ONE). He makes precise measurements.  
And when we count FIFTY days from the true Wavesheaf, the count begins on Wavesheaf, the time is zero, until the day is completed. After fifty full days, YaHVaH declares on that second day of the week, following 49 Sabbaths, the Feast of Weeks, Pentecost, Shavout!
An half day of only 12 hours is not a full 24 hour day.
Gather as one (Acts 2:38) to celebrate and give praise to the Almighty YaHVaH on that meaningful day of Awe, His Vengeance and Wonder.

Is the Seventh Day Sabbath a preparation day for Pentecost?

Leviticus 23:15 “And ye shall count unto you FROM the morrow after the Sabbath, from the day that you brought the sheaf of the wave offering: seven Sabbaths shall be complete:”
Here and in other verses, the conjunction "AND" can be interpreted 'Then' however, I am not really sure the "And" is even in the Hebrew text.  The Tree of Life does not recognize the word "And".  HalleluYah Scripture does. Therefore, "And" most likely does NOT mean "in addition to".  Later, we shall see Pentecost must have the crops; may fall later than most think.

But it goes on, and explains something else.

Vs 16 Even unto H5704 “ad” (as far as, until, toward, when) the morrow AFTER the seventh Sabbath shall YE NUMBER FIFTY DAYS; and ye shall offer a new meat (wheat/grain) offering unto YAHVAH.

SHAVOUT OR PENTECOST - Hebrew definitions for Leviticus 23:15
"on"  ba or unto or H5704 “ad” (as far as, until, toward, when)
"from out of" Hebrew word, mi
"from"  from Hebrew "mi"
"after"  from Hebrew "achar"
From the year "mi-shanah" Very Next Year AFTER Jubilee.  Lev. 25:17
"Thenceforth"from Hebrew, hallah  see Lev 22:27

Leviticus 23:15 "(And) ye shall count unto you FROM the morrow (mi) AFTER (achar) the sabbath, FROM ("mi"-from out of)) the day that ye brought the sheaf of the wave offering; seven sabbaths shall be complete (fully counted): 
23:16  Even UNTO (ba "on") the morrow after the seventh sabbath shall ye number fifty days; and ye shall offer a new meat offering unto YaHVaH.

Leviticus 25:8-11 shows we are to number seven times seven years (49 years), then keep the fiftieth year as Jubilee. Leviticus 23:15-16 shows to number fifty days, then keep Pentecost. The same word for "number," the Hebrew "caphar", Strong s #5608, is used in both passages. We are to caphar forty-nine years toward Jubilee, and caphar fifty days toward Pentecost. Pentecost and Jubilee are counted exactly the same, but there are different numbers to count! Counting Jubilee is a major proof that Pentecost is on Monday.

Regarding Shavout, "Where are the grapes, wine, the oil, wheat/grain crops and figs? Where is preparation day for this pilgrimage Feast?" As Exodus 19 might refer to Shavout, how would they wash their clothes the day before, take care of themselves, animals, travel, if Shavout were first day of week Sunday, making Sabbath prep day?  This is a violation of Torah.   Where is the pilgrimage prep day?  No instructions.  If we keep a pilgrimage Feast, we will learn how many details are involved.
Those who stay home miss out on the blessing of the Feasts.  They may say, "Take off your shoes, do not touch (The Scriptures) with your shoe.  Taste not, touch not, which are to perish with the usage."  Or will we lovingly take off our shoes and stand on Pure Ground before YaHVaH, The Almighty One?
Count FROM the actual TRUE Wavesheaf Day.  It's a Sunday, but the day is Day Zero of the 50 day count.  Counting items is different than counting distance or time.
Counting the distance of one mile:  The count begins at "zero" miles.  Consecutively each Tenth brings us to one-half mile, then three-quarters and finally ONE takes us to ONE mile, at the end of the count, not the beginning.
Just as distance is counted from zero (not mile one), time is counted from zero seconds and minutes.  After 1440 minutes then we have arrived at ONE DAY.  Know logic and math and if you are honest, you will count FIFTY days FROM the Wavesheaf Sunday, and arrive at Pentecost on Monday.

Why did YaHVaH choose fifty days? Did He just pick a random number, or is there any significance to the number fifty? Why not count 60 or 70 or even 40? When we turn to the Word of YaH, we are given very few clues. Leviticus 25:10 does speak of the Jubilee in the fiftieth year. And other scriptures such as I Kings 18:4 and II Kings 1:9 speak of groups of fifty prophets or soldiers. Yet efforts to tie in scriptures such as these have fallen short in providing an understanding of Pentecost.  Perhaps if we understood the wisdom behind this number.. (read on..)
Most Sunday Pentecost folks support the term, "inclusive counting" (which is not a Scriptural phrase incidentally). They include Wavesheaf Sunday as "day one" of the Pentecost count, but they exclude the last day, the morrow after the seventh Sabbath. True that "inclusive counting" includes the first and last days of the count. 
Wavesheaf Sunday being Sabbath Eve, day "zero" not "day  one".
This begins the count from zero to one.  Count fifty days from the true Wavesheaf.  When it is completed, begin Shavout at the end of the count (not somewhere in the middle or near the end.)  This brings us to a full count, and since we are counting FROM Wavesheaf, the full fifty day count is over at the end of the count.  Then (not before) we keep Shavout.
Lev/Vy 23:15-21 Pentecost/Firstfruits is counted FROM Wavesheaf day (during or after Passover, depending upon the Barley maturation.) 
 May, 1996, The Good News, page 15, unintentionally but correctly says, "Starting with the day of the wave-sheaf offering, Yah's (God's) people are to count 50 days, then observe Pentecost as a day separated to YaHVaH (Leviticus 23:15, 16)." That's exactly the way to count, and it results in a Monday Pentecost!
The Scripture is silent about using Aviv Barley to determine the New Year, 
The pattern is in Ber/Gen 1:14 for appointed times by Sun, Moon and Stars.
Not one account of searching for the green ears, yet the Scripture is VERY careful in supplying instructions for building of the temple, and other intricate commands.
There is not one mention of a priest or Apostle traveling to Jerusalem, sending the report out as they examine the heads of barley. Where is that ordinance in the Word? It cannot be located. Is it a "secret" priestly knowledge? Hardly!
Can you imagine the Council of Nicea rejecting a "Jewish" Passover, yet accepting a Jewish Sadduccean Pentecost? It does not make sense. Here is a strong indication that a Sunday Pentecost was NEVER a major component of Jewish belief. If it had been, then the RCC would never have accepted a Sunday Pentecost. 

                    OLD CORN OR NEW CORN for Wavesheaf?
The word translated "old corn" in the King James Version, and "produce" in the New KJV is Strong's #5669, "abuwr", which according to Strong means "passed, i.e. kept over; used only of stored grain:--old corn." Joshua 5:11-12 is the only place in the Bible where this word is used. Abuwr comes from #5674, abar, which among other things means "carried over." Clarke's Commentary suggests that this was produce purchased from the inhabitants of the land. It could also mean grain that Israel had carried with them over the Jordan; hence it was "passed over grain," which is what abuwr means. Now what is the command in Leviticus 23:10-14 regarding the wavesheaf? It says that once they came into the land, Israel was to offer a sheaf of the firstfruits of their harvest. Only then could they eat grain from the NEW harvest. They were not to offer the wavesheaf from grain purchased from the local inhabitants, or from grain carried over the Jordan. It had to be from "your harvest" verse 10. Israel did not have a harvest when they had not yet conquered Jericho. 
Josephus says in his Antiquities of the Jews (10.1.5), that Wavesheaf Day was a busy workday.  It is not a Feast Day.  

DEMEANER as we share the Word with others:

"How beautiful it is for brethren to dwell together in unity."  We might even discuss Shavout Pentecost and the calendar, if we let the Ruach ha Kadosh control us to not get carried-away with unrighteous anger.
Watch our demeaner carefully and do not be the Meaner, but be-nicer.  We should try to be diplomatic,  even on Facebook (facial) more sociable and not argumentative.  Regardless of which kind of calendar you use, let our conversation be seasoned but not too salty, but with mercy.
We certainly may discuss any doctrine, but be polite and courteous.

YaHVaH certainly is not receiving good impressions when we are condemning, contentious, demoting, disparaging, deriding, insulting, uncharitable, a jerk or a sour-puss. 
We ought to be like a flower when we awake:  Open our arms like flower petals, reaching out with radiant countenance shining.  YaHVaH has sent His Son to love us and give us eternal life.

With that in mind, here are notes from Feast of Weeks by C.N.Turrell
regarding early Feast of Shavout, and a time to consider:

Let us go back to Lev 23:15 and 16:

15 “And/then (or delete "and") Ye shall count unto you FROM the morrow after the Sabbath, FROM the day that you brought the sheaf of the wave offering: seven Sabbaths shall be complete:”

IF it did not continue and this was all we had to go by, then we would stop here and keep the day when it is completed. But it goes on, and explains something else.

Vs 16 Even unto H5704 “ad” (as far as, until, toward, when) the morrow AFTER the seventh the seventh Sabbath shall YE NUMBER FIFTY DAYS; and ye shall offer a new meat (wheat-grain) offering unto YAHVAH.

Acts 2:38 we have to have new wine, which is not ready in the third month; it is ready in the Fourth Month.  So we need to reckon dates properly.

​Act 2:1 And when the day of Pentecost was fully come G4845 (“sumpleroo” fully come), they were all with one accord in one place.

Exodus 22:29 Thou shalt not delay to offer the first of thy ripe fruits, and of thy liquors: the firstborn of thy sons shalt thou give unto me.

Deu 18:4 The Firstfruit (H7225 rayshiyth) also of thy corn (H1715 “daw-gawn” increase, grain, wheat), of thy wine (H8492 “tiyrosh” fresh grape juice or wine), and of thine oil (H3323 “Yitshar” oil), and the first of the fleece of thy sheep, shalt thou give him. 
NehemYah 10:34 And we cast the lots among the priests, the Levites, and the people, for the wood (ates or wood) offering, to bring it into the house of our YaH, after the houses of our fathers, at times appointed year by year, to burn upon the altar of YAHVAH our YaH, as it is written in the law: 
Neh 10:35 And to bring the firstfruits of our ground, and the firstfruits of all fruit of all trees, year by year, unto the house of YAHVAH: 
Neh 10:36 Also the firstborn of our sons, and of our cattle, as it is written in the law, and the firstlings of our herds and of our flocks, to bring to the house of our YaH, unto the priests that minister in the house of our YaH: 
Neh 10:37 And that we should bring the firstfruits of our dough, and our offerings, and the fruit of all manner of trees, of wine and of oil, unto the priests, to the chambers of the house of our YaH; and the tithes of our ground unto the Levites, that the same Levites might have the tithes in all the cities of our tillage. 
Neh 10:38 And the priest the son of Aaron shall be with the Levites, when the Levites take tithes: and the Levites shall bring up the tithe of the tithes unto the house of our YaH, to the chambers, into the treasure house. 
Neh 10:39 For the children of Israel and the children of Levi shall bring the offering of the corn, of the new wine, and the oil, unto the chambers, where are the vessels of the sanctuary, and the priests that minister, and the porters, and the singers: and we will not forsake the house of our YaH. 
Neh 13:15 In those days saw I in Judah some treading wine presses on the Sabbath, and bringing in sheaves, and lading asses; as also wine, grapes, and figs, and all manner of burdens, which they brought into Jerusalem on the Sabbath day: and I testified against them in the day wherein they sold victuals. 

IT HAS TO BE AFTER 6/21 of a year plain and simple. (by C.N.Turrell)
And the wheat is what kind of wheat?
And what is being harvested at the same time as this wheat. GRAPES AND FIGS.
We all know Grapes wine, oil and Figs are a Summer fruit not Winter, not Spring, but SUMMER.
With this in mind the Feast has to be in Summer season.
Josephus tells us about it, if you go back and read about it.

And when the foxes tails were set afire the Wheat was not burned up, it had not come up. Judges_15:4 And Samson went and caught three hundred foxes, and took firebrands, and turned tail to tail, and put a firebrand in the midst between two tails...burned up both the shocks and the standing corn (grain) with the vineyards and olives." 
And what did YaHVaHOSHA (YaHOSHA) say about harvest? "IN FOUR MONTHS IS THE HARVEST."  John 4:35. 35 Say not ye, There are yet four months, and then cometh harvest? behold, I say unto you, Lift up your eyes, and look on the fields; for they are white already to harvest. "
If you look when it was said, it was Passover time, when we examine the Scriptures.

D. Summer Wheat Harvest is not harvested in the Springtime after the Spring Barley Wheat Harvest. BUT was that the case in Scriptural times? Did the Priests plant a Winter Wheat Harvest or did they plant a SUMMER WHEAT HARVEST? All the Scriptures that point to the Feast of Weeks, Pentecost, show a SUMMER WHEAT HARVEST, NOT the traditional Spring Wheat Harvest, that most keep. 

Philo says, that the wheat was the last of all grain that are sowed into the fields and so it is the last to ripen. And NOT BEFORE the Feast of Weeks.

Meaning, this Wheat was harvested during the time of the TRUE Feast of Weeks in the Fourth Scriptural month (6th or 7th common month)

E. This Wheat was NOT Spring Wheat, but SUMMER WHEAT that Philo was referring to. And it ripens last, after the Winter Wheat.
1. We find this in Philo Special Law 11.

F. Here is what Philo tells us about the harvest time for 
the Feast of Weeks, and he tells us that it comes:
G. AFTER the grapes are ripe, not before.

1. When are grapes ripe? In the SUMMER!

As we have learned already that the Wheat Harvest is in the SUMMER and would have to be after 21st-22nd of Sixth month, Summer Solstice.
If you keep the Feast of Weeks, at the Traditional time somewhere near the end of (common months) May or the first week of June, or before the Wheat Harvest of Summer, you are not keeping the Feast of Weeks of the Scripture, and that is not in harmony with the Torah.

G. If they sowed the Summer Wheat in Abib/Nisan, the first month, when they came into the land, only then could  they reap a harvest for the First Fruits fifty (50) days later after the seventh (7) Sabbaths. It could not come to mature 50 days later after it was planted.
1. Not possible, as much as the Brethren would like it to be possible, it can’t be.

Do we just go along as we always have and keep the Feast of Weeks in the third (3rd) Scriptural Month or do we  move it back to  the month where it used to be, the fourth (4th) Scriptural month?

With all the Scripture that we have in this Study, it is proof that the Feast of Weeks, never came in the third (3rd) Scriptural month, and by keeping it in that month, we are not keeping YaHVaH’s True Feast of Weeks, but a day to ourselves.  If we count properly from the true Wavesheaf, the correct time for Feast of Weeks/Shavout/Pentecost is in the Fourth Month.

Millions keeping Monday Feast of Weeks or Pentecost:
From the late 1930s to 1973, millions kept Pentecost on Monday. During this time, the church grew at an amazing rate of 30% in many years. In 1974, the Worldwide Church of God changed to a Sunday Pentecost. Its growth and spreading of the gospel took a dive from which it never recovered. Let's look at some of the other fruits of the change from a Monday to a Sunday Pentecost.

Did the change to a Sunday Pentecost spawn even more significant doctrinal changes?

Few in the Worldwide Church of God seriously questioned this 1974 doctrinal change. Fewer still questioned a subsequent change a couple of months later when the Worldwide Church deviated from its teaching on Divorce and Remarriage.
The Scriptural indications of a Monday Pentecost are substantial. The historical linkage of a Sunday Pentecost with Sunday-keeping and the trinity doctrine is disturbing. I hope that this article stirs many to restudy this issue. We will not all see eye to eye on every issue, until the return of Messiah. I respectfully disagree with those who hold to a Sunday or even Sivan 6 Pentecost. However, I believe the evidence strongly indicates that a Monday Pentecost is correct.
"Sadducees considered the Sunday after the weekly Sabbath that falls during the Feast of Unleavened Bread as Wavesheaf Sunday (not a Feast)..
This Church changed Pentecost from Monday to Sunday in 1974, not because of Biblical evidence, but because of political pressure to stem a serious loss in membership at that time.
A reader wrote, "The Church has experienced and continues to face serious spiritual problems. Pentecost, the anniversary of G_d's (YaHVaH's) Spirit coming to His Church, seems to be missing the mark today as there is definitely a different spirit extant today. Perhaps the situation we see today is the result of the seeds that were planted back then."

The diary of Mrs. Lorinda (Stoneberg) Le Bleu, who was baptized in 1936 shows that she kept a Monday Pentecost in the years 1937-1941.
This may have been the very year, 1937, the Pastor changed from a Sivan 6 Pentecost to a Monday Pentecost, because Mrs. Le Bleu's diary records a Pentecost meeting on Monday, May 17, 1937, at the Conn's house in Eugene,Oregon. She also records a Pentecost meeting on Monday, June 6, 1938, at the White's. 
Are we going to follow the modern Jewish Priest, the traditions of the Catholic Church and all the rest of the denominations that follow tradition, or will we be following "Thus what says YaHVaH Almighty?"

The choice is yours, now what will you do with it?

​           More Sound Files

           Pentecost-Shavout-FOW              60 min

           Shavout                                        35 minutes

           Shavout Prepare Repent              57 min

           Shavout-Bride-Messiah-at-Feast 62 min

           First-Fruits                                   10 min

​"The Jonah Code" early Aviv calendar - ​Critique:
Lev/Vy. 23:9 YaHVaH spoke to Moses saying: 
Lev 23:10 “Speak to (the children) Bnei-Yisrael and tell them: When you have come into the land which I give to you, and reap its harvest, then YOU are to bring the omer of the firstfruits of your harvest to the kohen. He is to wave the omer before YHVH to be accepted for you. On the morrow after the Shabbat, the kohen is to wave it." 
The "Jonah Code" first half was Scriptural, just great! 
The second half was based on tradition and modern practices of some. No Scripture reference was given for the tradition of Aviv, barley nor their one month early calendar (based on agriculture).
Only the sun, moon and the earth’s rotation are noted and taught in the Scriptures, see Genesis 1:14 for the true calendar.

The "secret code of Jonah" is missing. By using a computer application to find spiritual messages, such as, using the first Hebrew letter of every 8th word, to spell and form an English sentence seems absurd. For example (E.G.) “Someone's mother wears boots” might turn-up in a code, reading in reverse order, diagonally or from the bottom to the top, reading backwards could reveal any number of random sentences and arbitrary ideas.Absurd!

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