FATHER of the Universe: 
H3068 YHVH “Yod Hey Vav Hey” “YaHVaH The Self existent or The Eternal."

H3442 YaH'shoo-ah (without the shua!) "He will save." "YaHOSHA, the name of ten Hebrews, also a place in the separated land."
YaHOSHA (without shua) Means; "He will Save; Joshua, the Jewish leader.."

      By TsephanYaH Eber on WWW.YaHVaHNotYahweh.com

The Hebraic word for the Messiah's Name is not apparent in Scriptures.  

What IS the Messiah’s Name?  YaHVaHOSHA, YaHOSHA, Yahshua or Jesus?

YaHVaH constitutes the entire Name of the Creator. And the Name “YaH” is the contracted form.  The name "YaHOSHA*" has the Hebrew word "sha" or "Salvation".  YaHOSHA is in the Hebrew manuscript.  It is the inspired Name in the Scritures!  Read more of the original document farther below.

MESSIAH’S NAME IN PALEO with assistance from Paleosepher.com  

Presenting new and contrasting research of Messiah’s Name. According to Torah Observant Follower of Yahshua, Lee Ingram, Messiah’s Name describes the Land of Yisryael complete.  
First column is the English spelling; second is Hebrew; Third is Paleo, and Fourth phonetic sounds.  "Yod, Shin, Vav, (G) Ayin".

Columns 1-4 (Reading columns top to bottom)
JudeYahYod        Z          YAH
Shin-RonShin        W          SH
And         VaV       Y          OO (Oooh)
Gaza      (G)Ayin circle w/dot  ‘AH

Mr. Ingram demonstrates the following teachings:
Yisrael – This is the land of Yeshua (The problem of ‘shua, “Crying for help” is addressed in our article “Messiah and the Name”).  The Paleo Hebrew (above) for Messiah here is “Yod, Shin, Vav, (G) Ayin”.  In Modern Hebrew in Strongs Concordance is H #3091 Yod, Hey, Vav, Shin, Vav, Ayin for Yashua.  But Shua H #7775 is “Yod Ayin Hey” which does not match the H 3091 in any way, nor the Paleo: Yod Shin Vav Ayin.
In Scripture, Messiah’s Name is found neither in Joshua nor Hebrews 4 (Joshua), but from the Land of Yisrael. Ingram said “Joshua, Yashua and Yeshua are not the same as Yashua in Paleo”.

Yisrael is “The Land of Yeshua” says Lee.  He drew a map. From North to South he wrote “West Bank” “JudiYah (Z) and Shemeron (W)” Next, the “Y”(later), then Gaza represented by Ayin. Note:  No "W" in Hebrew!
For dedicated believers he strongly recommends A Comprehensive Etymological Dictionary of the Hebrew Language for Readers of English (Hebrew Edition) Hardcover –1987-1-10 by Ernest Klein (Author)
Sometimes it is called “The Red Book”.  Priced from U.S. dollars (year 2014) at $90 to $115 at Amazon.
He says Messiah’s Name is NOT Yod Hey Vav Shin Vav Ayin or in Strong’s Concordance #3091 YahShua.  Lee does not endorse the Strong’s system research.
It is not “Yod Hey Vav Shin Ayin” nor
“Shin Vav Ayin Hey” or Shava.
“Yod Ayin Hey” is “Shua” (Strongs’ #7775)
“Yod Shin Ayin” is “Yahsha, to be saved” (Strong’s #3467)
We ought to study and restudy. 


Hebrews 4:8
For if YaHOSHA  (Greek #G2424)  had given them rest, then would he not afterward have spoken of another day? There remaineth therefore a rest to the people of YaHVaH. For he that is entered into his rest, he also hath ceased from his own works, as YaHVaH did from his.

Number # with Letter "H" stands for Hebrew; "G" stands for a Greek word.

H3442 YaH'shoo-ah (without the shua!) YaHOSHA means "He will save." "YaHOSHA, the name of ten Hebrews, also a place in the separated land;
​J(Y)oshua, the Jewish leader.."

yeh-ho-shoo'-ah, yeh-ho-shoo'-ah
From H3068 and H3467; Jehovah-saved; Jehoshua (that is, Joshua), the Jewish leader:—Jehoshua, Jehoshuah, Joshua. Compare H1954, H3442.

The Hebrew word for Salvation is "Sha" #H3467 YASHA is a root word for the Savior, from IsaiYah 43:10-11, and Salvation for the Savior or Son from Zech. 9:9.  The words Savior and Salvation are given the same Hebrew number because of their close relationship to each other, but each word can only be used according to its proper language usage of the past, present or future tense, in order to be understood.

YaHOSHA/Josh 1:1  Now it came about after the death of Moses the servant of YaHVaH that YaHVaH spoke to Yasha/Joshua H3091 son of Nun..

The correct English spelling of the Savior Messiah’s Name is YaHOSHA.

The Hebrew letter in YaHOSHA was "SHA" #H 3467 not H 7775, "Shua"     

According to these definitions, we MUST leave out the “SHUA” from YaHOSHUA, and that leaves us with either:
YaHVaHOSHA in the longer form, or YaHOSHA. 

From the Hebrew Lexicon --

# H1954 Hosea:  
 Pronounced: ho-shay'-ah
(From 3467)  Greek 5617

Trans. & freq. in the Authorized Version:  Hoshea 11 times, Hosea 3 times, Oshea 3 times; 16 occurrences of Hebrew word in AV

Hosea or Hoshea or Oshea = “salvation”

1. family name of Joshua, the son of Nun
2. the 19th and last king of the northern kingdom of Isreyel
3. son of Beeri, and the first of the minor prophets; prophet to the northern kingdom of Israel in the reign of Jeroboam II
4. a son of Azaziah, a chief of Ephraim in the time of David
5. an Israelite chief who sealed the covenant with Nehemiah

 Deliverer; Hoshea, the name of five Israelites:—Hosea, Hoshea, Oshea."

 Yasha # H 3467
"Avenging, defend, deliver (er); rescue, be safe, bring (or having) salvation, save, Savior, get victory."

Strong's # H3467 from Hebrew Lexicon

Transliterated: Yasha;  Pronounced: Yaw-shah'  # H3467

Transliterated & frequency in the AV (Authorized Version)— save 149 times, saviour 15 times, deliver 13 times, help 12 times, preserved 5 times, salvation 3 times, avenging 2 times, at all 1 time, avenged 1 time, defend 1 time, rescue 1 time, safe 1 time, victory 1 time; 205 occurrences of Hebrew word in the Authorized Version.

H1945 HO!
Pronounced:  hoh'ee
A prolonged form of H1930 (akin to H188); oh!:—ah, alas, ho, O, woe.
​“Sha” suffix means “Savior” or having salvation as in "YAHOSHA "

H3068 YHVH “Yod Hey Vav Hey” “YaHVaH The Self existent or The Eternal." Normally refers to YaHVaH The Father.

Correction: The following is Hebrew H3442, not H3068 as previously was written here.
H3442 YaH'shoo-ah (without the shua!) YaHOSHA means "He will save." "YaHOSHA, the name of ten Hebrews, also a place in the separated land;
​Joshua, the Jewish leader.."

YaHOSHA is in the inspired text; YaHVaHOSHA is the longer form but not in the text. YaHVaH is in the Hebrew text and is inspired.

We find "YaHOSHA" in these Scriptures:
Numbers 13:16; Joshua 1-24; ZecharYah 3;  TsephanYah (Zephaniah) 3:9-20; Haggai 1:12; Judges 2:6-23; 1 Sam 6:14.

To repeat in a different manner:

Yeshua #H3442  Does Yahshua mean Salvation? Was "O-shea (Hoshea, Jehoshua as in the language of Canaan) in Numbers 13:16 the right Hebrew word translated, for the word "Salvation"?  No, it should be "YaHOSHA".  
Here is the problem with “shua” in Yashua:

"Shua" 7775, 7768 means "crying for help", the name of a female Canaanite, in Hebrew, or any language. Strong's No: 7775;  Pronounced:  shua
Trans. & freq. in the AV— cry 11 times; 11 occurrences of Hebrew word in AV 

1.“Cry for help” Strong’s #7768 Transliterated: shava;  Pronounced: shaw-vah' also (Piel) to cry out (for help), shout.

The Hebrew word for Salvation is "Sha", #3467. Yasha is a root word for the Savior, from IsaiYah 43:10-11, and "Salvation" for the Savior or Son from Zech. 9:9.  The words Savior and Salvation are given the same Hebrew number because of their close relationship to each other, but each word can only be used according to its proper language usage of the past, present or future tense, in order to be understood.

Sadly, Yahshua is a Hellenized word.  The Hellenized translators didn't understand the Hebrew Name of the Son, because THEY had nailed it to the stake, and removed "Ho" from the Son's Name. The "Ho" must be put back into His name, as "Ho! The salvation of YaHVaH!" in Zech. 9:9, Nu 13:16 in the Original Hebrew, before the Translators changed it, just as they changed “YaHVaH” to "LORD".  

His Name hasn't been lost, even with It's having been only "whispered" once a year on the Day of Atonement, by the apostates who were wrong in hiding or covering it up.  YaHVaH IS provable.  His Word is not lost.

Jeremiah 23:26-32 "How long shall this be in the heart...to think to cause My people to forget My Name by their dreams...their fathers have forgotten My name for Baal.  Let the prophet that has a dream, speak My Word faithfully."  The verse is repeated for emphasis.

      No one has the authority to alter the original (or copies of) Hebrew underlying letters.  We RESPECT the original, and those who teach it rightly.  If we had the freedom to change words, letters or portions of original Hebrew, where we we stop?  Where would we judge that "this or that" is correct?

The Powerful, Beautiful Name of YaHVaH is recorded 7000 times in the Original Scriptures.  Let us receive His Name in our foreheads and our hearts.
Shout 'HALLEL YAHVAH'! Praise unto YaHVaH!

Saying the name of YaHVaH isn't familiar to us, until we've used His actual Name more than we used the substitute. It's going to take some time to let YaHVaH's pure Spirit clean up our language.  In one sense, I have been taking His Name in vain for years, until now!  

It might seem foreign to tell someone, "Oh, How I love YaHVaH, because YaHOSHA ha Mashiach first loved me".  (ha-Mashiach means the Messiah.) 
The Psalmist writes "Proclaim His Name to the heathen".  Now, how are we going to do that if we can't even share His Name and character with those we love?  Or, if once per year, we WHISPER or we MUTTER His Name, as the superstitious Kabballistic priests of the dark-ages did on the Day of Atonement?  We not only whisper, but we proclaim and SHOUT YaHOSHA!

Is it permissable to substitute other names and titles for Messiah and Father? 

"The Name of the Savior is Yahoshua" by J. David Klopfenstein can be studied.  The correct spelling of His Name is found in this website. "Yahshua, (spelling) Son of Joseph?" by C.O. Dodd.  The proper spelling of the Master’s Name is derived from Yosha (Joshua).  Messiah’s Name was changed in the Greek and to English as Jesus.  The original Name is not written in the N.T. text.  You will find little Hebrew there.  We use the Name YaHOSHA.  proof is given in WHY THE V IN YAHVAH website, WWW.YaHVaHYahweh.Name

From Strongs Concordance:  G2424 "JESUS" 
Pronounced 'ee-ay-sooce'

JOSHUA (the Strongs editor spells this:) YEHOSHUA (YAHOSHA) H3091   
"Of Hebrew origin [H3091]; Jesus (that is, Jehoshua), the name of our Lord and two (three) other Israelites:—Jesus."

"JESUS CHRIST" From The Interpreter's Dictionary of the Bible: "The English form goes back to the LATIN (Iesus) which transliterates (not translates) the Greek; but the original form was Joshua, or more fully Yehoshuah." 

From  "The Word, HalleluYah", by J. David Klopfenstein, House of YaHVaH,  2672N-500E, Kendallville, IN. 46755 USA:
"Scholars know that our Savior wasn't known by the name, "Jesus". The fact that many have come to "accept" the "person" of the Savior while knowing only a name “Jesus” does not make that His actual name.
He was born a Hebrew as prophesied in IsaiYah 9:6, Micah 5:2 etc.  But "Jesus" is not Hebrew.  It is in fact derived from the Greek name "Iesous" which is found in the Greek...According to the Liddel and Scott Greek Lexicon, "Iesous" is the Ionic masculine form of the name, "Iaso" (the Greek goddess of healing).  See the word, ‘Iaso’.
 “For the name, Iesous to be the same as the Hebrews' YaHOSHA*, it must also have the word salvation, and the name, YaHVaH, in the name.
The Greek word for "Salvation" is "Soterion", #4992 in Strongs Concordance.  The Greek word for "Savior" is Soter #4990 Strongs.
“NEITHER OF THESE WORDS IS IN THE NAME, JESUS OR IESOUS. So the name is not a translated name.  The only alternative is a transliterated name.
Jesus or Heyseus is used in Spanish. In Jerusalem it was not used in old times, since it is not Hebrew.


Psalm 91:14 "Because He hath set his love upon me, therefore will I deliver him. I will set him on high, because HE HATH KNOWN MY NAME.  He shall call upon Me, and I will answer him."

Psalm 74:10 "How long, Oh YaHVaH, shall the adversary reproach?  Shall the enemy blaspheme Thy Name forever?"

Lev. 24:16 concerning the use of Names.  YaHVaH is speaking to the children of the Hebrews. "And he that blasphemeth the Name of YaHVaH, he shall surely be put to death...when he blasphemeth the Name of YaHVaH..." therefore, we are wrong when we say "It doesn't matter what Name you call Him, just as long as my heart is right".

The Word says over and over that whosoever shall call on the Name of YaHVaH shall be saved.  Acts 4:12; 22:16.



Jeremiah 23:26-32 "How long shall this be in the heart...to think to cause My people to forget My Name by their dreams...their fathers have forgotten My name for Baal.  Let the prophet that has a dream, speak My Word faithfully."  The verse is repeated for emphasis.

The Powerful, Beautiful Name of YaHVaH is recorded 7000 times in the Original Scriptures.  Let us receive His Name in our foreheads and our hearts.
Shout 'HALLEL YAHVAH'!  Praise unto YaHVaH!

Many students of the Word know the One coming back to the Mount of Olives is the Savior YaHOSHA.  YaHOSHA means “Salvation” of YaHVaH. The Prophet Zechariah called Him by the Name of YaHOSHA, commonly referred to as Yeshua. In English "Jesus" in Latin Iesus, Hay-seus or other common names.

We have shown and believe that the original spelling of the Savior Messiah Name is YaHOSHA.  YaHVaH is the Tetragrammaton Name of your heavenly Father and His Son.  Y-H-V-H does not translate as "L-O-R-D".
YHVH can be pronounced "YaH-VaH" or "YaHo-Vah"

 Email "TsephanYah at YaHVaHYahweh.Name"


“..And (they) fell down, and praised Him.” Matthew 2:11.  “And, behold, there came a leper and adored Him, saying ‘YaHVaH’ if Thou wilt, Thou can’st make me clean.” Matt 8:2.
“And as they went to tell His disciples, behold, YaHOSHA met them saying, ‘All halil’.  And they came and held Him by the feet, and praised, esteemed and adored Him.” Matthew 28:9.
“And when they saw Him, they praised (Greek 4352) Him; but some doubted.” Matt 18:17.
“But when he saw YaHOSHA afar off, he ran and gave homage (Greek 4352) to Him.” Mark 5:6
“…And bowing their knees, gave homage to Him.”  Mk 15:19
Persevere, but man will never eliminate YaHVaH's name from the earth.  "..My Name will be great among the nations, and in every place an offering of smoke will be made, a presentation will be made to My Name, even a pure gift, because My Name will be great among the nations.  YaHVaH of armies has said" (Mal 1:11, Ex 9:16, Ez 36:23.)  We must pray fervently to exalt the name of YaHVaH.  We are to publish His Name, Psalm 22:22.
Revelation 12:10:  "In that day, you will certainly say, 'Give thanks to YaHVaH you people!  Call upon His Name.  Make known among the peoples His dealings.  Make mention that His Name is put on HIGH. Make melody to YaHVaH, for He has done surpassingly.  This is made known in all the earth' ". 

Now look-up Isaiah (IsaiYAH) 12:4-5.
"You must not profane My Name…I Am YaHVaH who is setting you apart."  Lev 22:31 and verse 32.

How did the Hebrews' keeping of YaHVaH's Law make pure His Name?  The Law was given to Israelites (you and me) on the basis of His Name (Ex 20:2-17).  Hence, when we keep the Law, we are showing obedience and proper honor and esteem for His Name.  Furthermore, YaHVaH's name was on the Hebrews as a nation. Deut 28:10; 2 Chron 7:14.  When the children of the Hebrews obeyed YaHVaH's Law, they brought praise to His name, just as a child who acts in a proper manner brings honor to his parents.
On the other hand, when the Hebrews failed to keep YaHVaH's Law, they PROFANED HIS NAME.    Thus, sins such as sacrificing to idols, swearing to a lie, oppressing the poor and committing fornication are described in the Word as 'profaning YaHVaH's Name' - Lev. 18:21; 19:12, Jer 34:16, Ez 43:7.
Therefore, a Believer in YaHVaH who sincerely prays, "Exalted be your Name", will magnify that Name in his own life by obeying all of YaHVaH's commands, 1 John 5:3.  This includes obeying ALL the commands in both the Older and the newer parts of Scripture (commonly called O.T. AND N.T.).
The disciples learning to know the Messiah, YaHOSHA The Mashiach (last word is a title, not His Name), involved their personally coming to know the love of YaHVaH.  To love means to obey 1 John 5:3; it doesn't mean JUST a warm, fuzzy, human American emotion.

The Word says over and over that whosoever shall call on the Name of YaHVaH shall be saved.  Acts 4:12; 22:16.  Repeating for emphasis:


Publish and proclaim His Name, as he commands, and people will come to recognize whom we're talking of.  If "YaHVaH" were used more, his Name would become more identifiable.  So, by using a corrupt pagan substitute, they diminish the opportunity of proclaiming the Savior's Name.  
Try Psalm 79:6; 83, 102:15, 21 and Isaiah 26:13.  

 E-MAIL TsephanYah at YahVaHYahweh.Name
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Do we fellowship with others who use Yashua?
      Often!  It is good to discuss the Name, without anger or malice.


** "Why was the name of the Messiah changed"? fm Ghana  
Satan wanted to disguise the Name.  He is the cause of hiding and profaning Messiah's Name.  Pray we will not be Satan's tool, or be ignorant.

**Why was the Name of YaHVaH removed fm scriptures?
YaHVaH's Name was removed for Ba'al out of rebellion to YaHVaH.  Satan wants to mislead us so He will get the praise.  We try to use His correct Name.  Someone may be insulted or jealous when we reject the traditional common title "Lord" for YaHVaH.  We do not want to offend men, but we must first please YaHVaH rather than please an old friend.
Give no offense to anyone, if possible.  But, we must use His correct Name.

**"What is the significance of changing Joshua name from O'shea"
 Later.  Thank you.

**"if the letter J was not created until the 1600 how did Jesus get his name" 
Since there was no J in the Hebrew when Messiah was here on Earth, His Name could not have been Jesus.  Please read the document "Messiah and The Name".  It explains how we came to believe that YaHOSHA (from Joshua, a type of the Messiah)  is the Name of the Messiah.
**"Before 1565 was there any J in the english language"? 
The letter J came into common use after 1565. 

** "What is the proper way to spell Yehshua" - from a listener?
We do not believe that is His true Name, but if it were, we would not use YEH but we would use YAH, which is from the Father's Name, YaHVaH.

HoseYah 2:16
 "And it shall be at that day, saith YaHVaH that thou shalt call Me Ishi ("My Man") and shalt call me no more Ba'a'li (Master, Lord).

In Hebrew does shua or sha mean "saves" or "salvation"?  
"Sha" means "Saves" OR "Salvation". 
"The Hebrew word for Salvation is "Sha", #3467 Yasha is a root word for the Savior, from IsaiYah 43:10-11, and Salvation for the Savior or Son from Zech. 9:9.  The words Savior and Salvation are given the same Hebrew number because of their close relationship to each other, but each word can only be used according to its proper language usage of the past, present or future tense, in order to be understood." Become blessed.


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Be in good health.  Fresh air, sunshine, exercise, water, stay friendly.

          "For I am YaHVaH, I change not.."  Malachi 3:6, Number 23:19

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                   Audio (right click and name it):
"Where Did Yahshua Come From?"  MP3 Free-Download  38 minutes

Where Did the Name,"YaHOSHA" Come From?               52 minutes

YaHOSHA,  I AM #1  Voice Quality                    53 minutes 

YaHOSHA, I AM #2          Improved somewhat               37 minutes

         Messiah Name                                                   MP3 54 min​

Messiah and Absolute Truth - Web Page

Messiah and the Name  - Web Page  -

WHEN Did MESSIAH’s Name Change To JESUS 
     And The Father's Name To JEHOVAH?  Web Page
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